My intention regarding the making of ‘The Kiss’ was always of a free creative play, where the freedom of the image of a romantic moment , a kiss, an embrace, and the two forms representing this freedom emerged. It is a vitalistic affirmation grounded in and held together by a life affirming symbol, as is the ring.
They are situated in the Fazenda Catucaba region in Brasil. I used pillars that were unearthed only a few metres away from where the sculpture now stands at over 4 metres in height.
My creative intention was to capture a fleeting moment and to turn it into an archetype of love, by way of its direct physical as well as phychological presence.
Part of the experience of my work is thinking about the intricate character of human relationships, and how we relate to the world, to the world of things, to history and of course to our memory and our sensations.
I like to think of my work as a visual life journey. Working in far away lands that freshen up my work and my heart, broadening my horizons. Where I aim to expose relationships between objects that are both complicated and unique. I dont know, I hope I shall continue growing into new forms, reaching a new and final balance with each new sculpture, and to continue to express the mystery of life and of love throughout my work.
October 9th, 2017